Sarah Sims
Account Supervisor, pandemic-inspired amateur chef
Sarah is originally from Montgomery, Texas, a town she guarantees you’ve never heard of. Fun fact: it’s the birthplace of the Texas flag!
A born-and-raised Longhorn, Sarah graduated from The University of Texas in May of 2020 from the comfort of her living room. At UT, Sarah studied neuroscience until having a life crisis at age 19, after which she switched to studying advertising. She quickly found that account service perfectly fit her Type A tendencies.
Before joining Plot Twist, Sarah worked as an Account Manager at Strategic Playground, an Austin-based agency where she gained experience in the fintech and entertainment industries. She recently moved to Dallas and is busy exploring her new city and getting accustomed to being a Mavs fan.
Professional Not-So-Humble Brags:
As a student, Sarah was selected as the Director of Client Services in a student agency that produced a campaign for H-E-B. Needless to say, the campaign pitch went very well, and Sarah enjoyed her time working with H-E-B so much that it compelled her to join the Plot Twist team on the H-E-B and Favor accounts. In 2022, Sarah was recognized as one of Ad2Dallas's "32 Under 32."
Interesting Cocktail Party Tidbits:
Loves being outside. Every sunny, cloudless day you can find her draining her data with her hotspot while trying to work outdoors.
Quarantine has made her an avid chef - she’s tried almost every recipe in the Defined Dish cookbook and enjoys cooking weekly meals for her friends.
Became addicted to coffee at age 18. She’s pretty sure her body is 60% caffeinated beverages instead of water, a fact she’s not proud of.
Loves music and is hoping to make up for all of the concerts she’s missed because of COVID. Instead of binging Netflix shows on a lazy Sunday, you can find her in a deep hole on Spotify.
Her favorite snack is dill pickles. Seriously.
She has done Whole30 three different times and as a result, knows every possible way to make cookies without sugar and flour (which is technically cheating, but who cares).
Best plot twist (so far):
Sarah graduated college in the midst of a global pandemic - that one threw her for a loop. While she didn’t get to walk across the stage that her parents did before her, she did get to receive her diploma while in her pajamas, so she’ll take that as a win.