Hanna Tinsio
Writer, humble crossword devotee
Cali-born and Texas raised, Hanna grew up in the Dallas area. She’s been in love with writing and stories for as long as she can remember — her aunt says she’s had her head stuck in a book since before she could read. Her passion for storytelling led her to major in advertising at UT Austin and join the Texas Creative portfolio program, where she sharpened her copywriting skills and met a lot of cool ad people. Before finishing up her bachelor’s in advertising, she managed the social media of an Austin nonprofit, wrote blogs and emails for a startup, dipped her toes into healthcare advertising, and interned with the 2022 Multicultural Advertising Internship Program.
Professional Not-So-Humble Brags:
Acted as the Creative Director for her senior capstone class, where she helped create and pitch a campaign to Amazon
Graduate from the highly competitive Texas Creative program
Interned at Omnicom Health Group with the 4A’s MAIP program
Interesting Cocktail Party Tidbits:
Had an internship where she mainly wrote blogs about tea, so knows exactly which teas will cure any ailment.
Will do a crossword puzzle a day, although she’s notoriously bad at them and cheats profusely.
Tomatoes are her favorite food. Her dad often tells the story about the first tomato she ate as a baby, and she has been hooked since.
She dressed up like Gandalf for her 15th birthday party, beard and all. Needless to say she was pretty cool in high school.
Best plot twist (so far):
Boomeranging back to Dallas after college, and (so far) loving it.