Kendyl Loper
Account Executive, chronic redecorator
Kendyl grew up in Dallas a stone’s throw from the Plot Twist office. She channeled her love of storytelling, people and economics into pursuing a PR degree at UT Austin, where she worked as an account manager for Texas Tower PR, a student-run PR agency, planning the annual Longhorn Run 5k/10k and attending many, many concerts. But during that time she also realized that her real calling was advertising. After graduating she interned at GSD&M as an account manager on the Capital One, Austin Parks Foundation and U.S. Air Force accounts.
Professional Not-So-Humble Brags:
Kendyl acted as Account Director for her senior capstone class, leading a team that created a year-long campaign for nonprofit advocacy group SafeHorns.
She served as the Director of the Longhorn Run Student Committee where she coordinated the registration of 5,644 participants, an over 20% increase in participation from previous years.
Most recently, she juggled projects on the two biggest accounts at GSD&M during her post-grad summer internship.
Interesting Cocktail Party Tidbits:
She earned extra college cash as a kickboxing instructor.
Kendyl compulsively crochets in her free time. She’s got you covered for all of your winter accessory needs.
She made it a rule to take one class every semester that had nothing to do with her major. Rhetoric of Time Travel, Tourism Photography, Globalization of Switzerland, and Dark Matter Physics, to name a few.
She is a biiiigg podcast fan. Her favorite? NPR’s Planet Money.
Best plot twist (so far):
Having a foot (and toothbrush) in both Dallas and Austin.