Luz Oseguera

Luz Oseguera

Account Executive, picnic lover, self-proclaimed nutritionist


Luz is a native Texan, born and raised in Dallas, Texas. She attended The University of Texas Dallas where she studied Marketing. As most people, she was raised with humble beginnings as a server, but she had hunger for big dreams. Her curiosity for all things marketing and advertising led her on a mission to learn as much as she could about marketing and all its branches. Eventually, she found the branch where she would love to grow her nest -Brand Management, and here we are! Within her experience, she has worked as a brand planner for The Richards Group, a sales coordinator for a media branch of iHeartMedia and has worked with brands such as TGI Fridays, Choctaw Casinos & Resorts, Main Event Entertainment, American Cancer Society and many more.

Professional Not-So-Humble Brags:

After all her former leaders and teammate left the company within a month of each other at her former workplace, she stepped up and handled the billing for the region and was split between 3-4 Account Executives. Luckily, she does not back down from a challenge. She learned new responsibilities and was able to keep the ship afloat for a few months until the company was able to receive more help.

Interesting Cocktail Party Tidbits:

Has family cattle, but Plot Twist- not to eat or sell, as she says, “They are friends to me!”

Audrey Hepburn is her role model.

Sponsors two kids. One is in the Dominican Republic, the other is in Africa.

Best plot twist (so far):

Never expected to get the best of both worlds. Who knew a girl that cares for cattle would simultaneously work and live the city life.